How to Reduce Your Chance of False Alarms

If you’ve been slapped with a fine lately you may have noticed that they’re getting really expensive. You can be fined for not having a permit, even if you’re not monitored, or having the police dispatched to your location, even if the call is canceled before they get there. We’ve had clients fined by their respective cities/counties even if there was evidence of an attempted break-in but our system scared the perpetrator off. Some places won’t even dispatch if you don’t have a permit, have video verification, or the location has been called twice in an attempt to reach someone.
I understand that a large amount of alarm dispatch calls are false alarm, hence the fines. I am of the opinion some places have gone overboard with fines and make it difficult on the owners. For this reason some people are hiring private patrol companies to respond first and “verify” there’s been a break-in or proof of an attempted break-in.
In an effort to help our customers save themselves from fines here are a few things you can do.
 Make sure all the users of the system know how to use it properly.

  •  Check all doors and windows before activing your alarm
  •  Have your monitoring stations number handy and know how to cancel an alarm activation
  • Make sure your password is something you can remember under stress, like a loud siren going off in the back ground.
  •  Keep your call list up to date. Check it with your smoke detector batteries; once every 6 months.
  • If you are on the call list, be sure to answer your phone if the monitoring station calls you. If you miss the call don’t just brush it off; call them back.
  • Know your password(s)
  •  Some say have your security company check your system once a year. However most systems these days are self-monitoring and let you know when there is a problem. So read your keypad display

If you’re having problems with your alarm we are happy to help you troubleshoot over the phone. If a service call is needed then we can schedule one with you. If we can resolve a problem over the phone this saves our customers time and money, which most are very glad for both.
I hope this has helped and if you would like assistance feel free to call us with any questions.